Good news for those who are fans of drinking coffee in the morning


Many studies show that caffeine increases the body’s metabolic function, helps the body stay awake and active, improves mood very well… and also helps reduce the risk of certain diseases.

Drinking coffee improves mood
In addition to providing energy, drinking coffee can also improve people’s mood. Caffeine stimulates the brain to secrete dopamine, a neurotransmitter that makes people feel happy. Therefore, drinking a cup of hot coffee in the morning will help you feel happier and more comfortable, according to Science Daily.

Drinking coffee reduces the risk of certain types of cancer
Studies show that the high polyphenol content in coffee and caffeine can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Coffee also stimulates bile production and reduces estrogen levels, reducing the risk of cancer, according to the science magazine Scitech Daily.

Drinking coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
Studies show that 1 cup of coffee can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by about 8%, if drinking more can reduce up to about 30%. Thanks to coffee containing magnesium and polyphenols, which help regulate glucose metabolism, according to Scitech Daily.

Drinking coffee helps prolong life
The most benefit comes from drinking 3-5 cups of coffee a day. Research conducted by the T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University (USA), found that people who drink 3-5 cups of coffee a day are less likely to die early, according to the Daily Express.

Drinking coffee increases concentration

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