How Can I Keep My Freezer From Getting Frosted Over?


How to quickly defrost a freezer full of ice?

To keep your freezer running smoothly, it is important to keep it clean and defrost it regularly. In fact, when the ice grabs your appliance, opening the drawers becomes quite a complicated task! If you find yourself in this situation, you need to act immediately! Although it may seem tedious, our simple trick will allow you to quickly defrost your device and find it like new.

How to get ice out of the freezer with hot water – Step 1: Empty the appliance

Before you defrost your freezer, first empty it completely.
To avoid breaking the cold chain, you should place your food in thermal bags filled with frozen ice blocks.
Then close them and cover them with newspaper.
How to get ice out of the freezer with hot water – Step 2: Turn off and unplug the appliance

Unplug your freezer and turn it off with the appropriate button if it is connected to the refrigerator.
Then boil water in a pot.
Pour the very hot water into another container that you place in your unit to melt the ice (place it on a flat shelf beforehand).
All you need to do is close the door and let the heat soak in for about 15 minutes.
How to clean my freezer without chemicals?

Defrosted freezer! Now you need to clean it thoroughly before plugging it in. However, avoid using harsh chemicals during this step, as it can damage the walls and accessories of your appliance. To effectively clean your freezer, what better than a simple and natural solution: clear water mixed with white vinegar. It is safe and eliminates the bacteria that have settled in your appliance. Be sure to thoroughly clean all of your freezer’s accessories (shelves and other compartments) to remove any traces of frost or dirt. If you notice stubborn odors, use a mixture of water and lemon juice to rinse the inside of your appliance and leave a pleasant smell of lemony freshness!

How to prevent frost from forming in your freezer?

Dear readers, we know very well that prevention is better than cure! So, if you are looking for a good way to prevent frost from forming in your freezer, our tip will come in handy! All you need is a little cooking oil. This technique doesn’t solve the moisture problem that underlies it, but it still avoids the inconvenience of a lengthy cleaning! Here are the steps to follow:

Dampen a paper towel or clean cloth with a little oil.
Scrub the walls of the compartment and areas prone to ice build-up.
For this trick to work well, make sure you have defrosted your freezer before you begin.


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