4. Will eggshells attract pests to my garden?
Eggshells are more likely to deter pests than attract them. The sharp edges help keep soft-bodied pests like slugs away, while birds that feed on eggshells can help control insect populations.
5. How many eggshells should I use?
There’s no exact number, but aim to spread a light layer of crushed eggshells around your garden or fill a small mesh bag. Even a handful can make a difference in providing extra calcium to your plants.
Try the Eggshell Trick and Watch Your Garden Thrive!
Incorporating eggshells into your gardening routine is a simple, sustainable way to boost plant health and keep pests at bay. By hanging a mesh bag of eggshells in your garden, you can unlock a range of benefits that support both your plants and the environment. Give it a try, and you might just find that this little trick makes a big impact on your garden’s success. Happy gardening!