Now that you understand the differences between these two types.
However, it’s more essential to know how to select high-quality peanuts.
Remember, size doesn’t guarantee quality, so keep these points in mind when buying:
Color: For both red and white-skinned peanuts, choose those with a bright, fresh shell color. Avoid peanuts with black or dark spots, as this indicates mold or contamination with Aspergillus flavus, a carcinogenic mold that affects flavor and safety.
Shell Tension: Dried mature peanuts should have firm, plump shells, while immature peanuts dry into a shriveled state with less nutritional value. Choose peanuts with taut, shiny shells for the best quality.
Scent: Take a handful and smell them. If you detect a moldy scent, avoid buying them no matter how cheap they are.
Peanut Sprout: Check the small white spot at the top of the peanut (the sprout). If this spot is missing, the peanuts might have been dyed, and it’s best to avoid these.