The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning and Maintaining Your Cast Iron Skillet


The only way to clean a cast iron skillet: no soap, only oil! I use olive oil and salt. Put it in the oven for about 5-10 minutes, then wipe it off with a clean dish rag (or paper towels). Real cooks know the drill 🥰 Repeat if it’s still stained!”

More Methods for Cleaning a Cast Iron Skillet:
1.Salt Scrub Method:

After cooking, while the skillet is still warm (not hot!), add a generous amount of coarse salt (like kosher salt) to the surface of the pan.
Use a clean paper towel or a dish rag to scrub the salt around in circular motions. The salt acts as an abrasive and helps lift any stuck-on food without damaging the seasoning.
Once the surface is clean, wipe it out with a dry towel to remove the salt and any debris.
2.Boiling Water Method:

For stuck-on bits, pour a little bit of water into the skillet while it’s still warm (not hot), and bring it to a boil over medium heat.
Use a wooden spoon or spatula to gently scrape off any food bits. The boiling water loosens stubborn residue.
Once the skillet is clean, dump the water and dry the skillet completely with a paper towel. Then, rub in a thin layer of oil to protect the seasoning.
3.Oven Method (Seasoning Restoration):

see continuation on next page


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