The toilet can be inserted for various reasons: excessive use of the original cartridge, it was accidentally lost, there was a problem with the pipe. If a professional is strongly tempted to do so, he should be discouraged by the provocative nature of his operation, but also by its apparent difficulty. There is a simple and natural method to solve this problem in a very short time.
Get liquid soap and boiling water ; Pour a bowl and a small dish of soap into the toilet, then add a bowl of hot water to the toilet and flush it for a minute or two before removing the toilet . You can also add another warm, dry dish. Your toilet will be protected.
If you are looking for an even more natural solution, you can replace the liquid with bicarbonate or white acetate, dissolve it in natural water and let the toilet repair, wash and disinfect .
This technique is very effective if the toilet is already present , and you can also use it for the sink, bidet, toilet and bathroom sink, but also for the kitchen sink.
If you are familiar with a more powerful machine, you can use it with this nebulization in a nozzle, to combine it with the mechanical system with which the water is heated, the results will be incredible.