Remove Water Spots and Stains from Steel with These Cheap and Natural Tips


How many times have you noticed water stains on steel surfaces that do not disappear with simple cleaning? I imagine this is not uncommon!

These stains are caused by limescale deposits that stick to the steel when exposed to water , oxidizing it or forming white spots.

Luckily, you don’t have to worry anymore, because today we will discover together some natural and homemade tips to remove water stains from steel and make it as good as new!

The first ingredient we will tell you about is the famous vinegar , which has a natural anti-limescale effect , capable of eliminating water stains on steel and polishing it deeply. Just pour half a glass of vinegar into a bucket of hot water and dip a sponge in it.

Wring out the sponge and rub the non-abrasive part on the steel surface to be cleaned. Finally, rinse and dry thoroughly with a microfiber cloth that retains water and does not leave drops. You can also add two teaspoons of vinegar directly to the sponge and then pass the steel several times until the water stain disappears.
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