Many women adopt this cleaning technique. Try it too and you will see how much time and above all money you will save. But what to do if dust accumulates on furniture, shelves or appliances?
Sure, you can always use the broom wrapped in a plastic bag trick, but there are more practical solutions as well.
An example ? You can make super effective homemade cleaners. Try the fabric softener trick. In a spray bottle, pour four parts water to one part detergent and spray the solution on a microfiber cloth to start dusting: cleanliness guaranteed in an instant.
Even white vinegar is a special ingredient to make your home shine: just dilute it with a little water and get ready to witness the magic. According to cleaning experts, there are also other recommendations to follow to have a clean and neat home.
In conclusion, with this age-old tip to eliminate all hair and dust, as well as with all these tips, you will find that having a hair-free, dust-free and dirt-free home will be child’s play for you.