The Great Trick to Deep Clean Your Toilet: Bacteria and Bad Odors Disappear


How to avoid unpleasant odors rising from bathrooms?

pour the vinegar

Vinegar is a natural ingredient that is ideal for carrying out various household cleaning tasks. It can also be used to eliminate bad odors. Therefore, thanks to its sterilizing action, vinegar will not only thoroughly clean the toilet and bathroom, but will also prevent the formation of odors.
Mix vinegar with water and put it in a spray bottle (1/3 vinegar and 2/3 water) to apply on the affected surfaces, then clean with a damp cloth.

Vinegar neutralizes odors and prevents mold growth. You can also fill a cup with vinegar that you pour into the container and then let it sit.

Additionally, you can make an air freshener by mixing two cups of water, one teaspoon of white vinegar, one teaspoon of baking soda, and ten drops of your favorite essential oil.

Put the lemon slices

Lemon is another top product that can help neutralize bad odors and keep the bathroom fresh. The method is very simple: place a few slices of lemon in a corner of the bathroom. Another effective trick is to scrub the entire bathroom with a mixture of water and lemon after cleaning it with your usual detergent.

How to get rid of urine smell in toilet?

baking soda

Baking soda:

You can apply this trick anywhere in the house, it is also ideal in the bathroom to mask the smell of urine.

You will need:

  • a glass jar
  • baking soda
  • From 3 to 5 teeth
  • A piece of tulle or similar fabric

Fill the jar halfway with baking soda, adding cloves and essential oil if desired.

Pour the mixture onto a piece of tulle or similar fabric and secure it with a bandage or any ribbon (for a more decorative touch). Finally, place it in the toilet.


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