How to clean Stainless Steel…for real!


You can see that the sticker stain is gone in my after.

Well you could tell better in real life. But I hope the picture shows a little bit of a difference for you. Looking at it, you would have no idea that dirty small children touch it every single day…a lot…

Anyway I am so happy to learn that all I needed was a little extra patience. So now every stainless steel item in my kitchen is officially stainless once more.

Do you have any cool tricks you’ve discovered. Feel free to share!

***UPDATE*** So I still stand by the pledge method, however in order to stay on the up and up with all you Readers, I need to update what I am doing. I love the Pledge way, however I do not love the waxy buildup that occurs on my tile floor from the spray falling. For a while I placed a towel down. And that worked ok, but my laziness kicked in. For the last few weeks I have switched too Weiman Stainless Steel cleaner. It works really well so far. So I kind of go back and forth. With the Wieman I have to watch for overspray on the cabintes, Pledge I do not. So anyway, now you know all and my guilt is now relieved!

Also there are a ton of other good hints down in the comments section. So try them out and let me know which method you prefer! I am so glad that I am not the only one on a mission to make Stainless Steel stainless once more!


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