According to several studies, taking 50 to 60 ml of olive oil daily (one tablespoon is equivalent to about 15 ml) for 20 to 30 days significantly reduces constipation , as its components have a mild laxative effect and regulate intestinal transit.
Orange juice, many benefits for our health
Orange juice, like extra virgin olive oil, helps regulate certain functions of the digestive system, since it promotes the absorption of nutrients and fibers it contains and facilitates intestinal movement for proper digestion. An article from the Revista de Disculgación Científica y Tecnológica de la Universidad Veracruzana also highlights that the fibers contained in oranges are also involved in the growth of probiotic and beneficial bacteria in the intestine.
Therefore, combining these two ingredients in a delicious and healthy drink to take in the morning only enhances its beneficial effects. But let’s see how to prepare this drink to enjoy its great benefits.
Adding olive oil to orange, the old remedy of our grandparents returns
Olive oil offers us many more benefits if we combine it with certain fruits, as in this case with orange.
Orange juice mixed with olive oil provides a very effective detoxifying effect. Because these two ingredients allow us to cleanse the stomach and intestines quickly and naturally.
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