Put a sponge in the refrigerator: the trick that saves you money


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Other options to dehumidify the refrigerator

If your refrigerator is constantly plagued by high humidity, there are a few tricks you can use, such as sponging. Here are a few that will help protect your food from mold and odors.

Why not opt ​​for a specific dehumidifier for the refrigerator? There are different models of all shapes that you can easily install on the device. It is very useful for absorbing moisture and preventing condensation. This device will remain active for several weeks and will rid your refrigerator of mold and odors.
You surely have a key ingredient in your pantry. It is so versatile that it solves many problems at home: Baking soda. On its own, this product can freshen the refrigerator, absorb moisture and neutralize annoying odors. Fill a container with a small amount of this white powder and install it in a strategic location on the bottom of the appliance. You just have to empty it and refill it after a few days. You will be so delighted with the result that you will use it often!
Many people don’t realize it, but rice also has the ability to absorb moisture. As long as you do, if you don’t want to invest in a dehumidifier, you have just found a perfectly similar and much cheaper alternative. A bowl of rice and hops, problem solved!

How long can the most common foods be kept in the refrigerator?
Food name Refrigerator storage
Eggs 3 to 5 weeks
Milk 1 – 2 weeks
Raw meat 23 days
Fish 12 days
Chicken 12 days
Butter 3 to 4 weeks
Queso 1 – 2 weeks
Yoghurt 1 – 2 weeks
Salad 3 to 5 days
Cooked vegetables 3 to 5 days


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