To whiten yellowed and stained pillows, you don’t need detergent. That’s the secret!



8 tablespoons of baking powder (80 g)
½ cup of white vinegar (125 ml)

Place the pillows in the washing machine and add baking soda and white vinegar.
Let the cycle finish, then let them dry in the sun.

Hot water and lemon juice
It’s no secret that fresh lemon juice is one of the most effective antibacterial and disinfectant agents that nature offers us, as confirmed by this study from the University of Benin (Nigeria). It is therefore not surprising that it is also one of the best allies to leave pillows fresh and impeccable.


Juice of 6 lemons
2 ½ liters of water (10 cups)

Heat the water and when it boils add the juice of 6 fresh lemons.
Gently immerse the pillow, adding more water if necessary, until it is completely covered.
Soak for 2 hours, rinse and let dry in the sun.

Baking soda and tea tree essential oil

By combining two ingredients such as baking soda and tea tree essential oil, we can create a natural cleaning product to take care of our pillows. This product facilitates the removal of yellow stains and, thanks to its antibacterial action, eliminates mites and bacteria.


½ cup baking powder (80 g)
10 drops tea tree essential oil

Place the baking soda in a bowl and mix it with the tea tree essential oil.
After obtaining a homogeneous product, spread it on the pillow and let it sit for 45 minutes.
After this time, rinse and dry in the sun.

Hydrogen peroxide and lemon
By mixing hydrogen peroxide and lemon, you get a homemade antimicrobial with powerful active ingredients that removes sweat and saliva stains from white pillows.
continued on next page


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