How To Remove Years Of Grease And Grime From Your Oven


No day goes by without us using the oven, either once or twice. No matter how diligently I clean it, the accumulation of oil, filth, and food debris is inevitable due to its frequent usage. And you thought cleaning the oven was tough! The good news is that you can clean the oven without spending a fortune on laborious ways thanks to a few tried-and-true items.
Using Baking Soda with Vinegar
retrieved from YouTube by Clean My Space
A powerful, all-natural cleaning solution, baking soda and vinegar have many uses. First, mix up some baking soda and water to make a paste. This will help you clean the interior and outside of your oven. Before you apply the paste to any surface within your oven, remove the racks. Make careful to keep the paste away from the oven’s hot components, but you may also apply it to the top and outside of the oven. After a few hours of letting the paste set, you may remove any remaining filth and grease using a brush that has soft to medium bristles. After that, remove the baking soda paste using a moist towel. The inside of your oven will be spotless.
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