6 Reasons To Smudge Your Home + DIY Wild-Foraged Smudge Sticks


Finish the Bundle: Once you reach the top, fold the herbs over and wrap the twine back down to the bottom. Tie it off and trim any excess leaves.
Drying Time: If you’ve used fresh herbs, let your smudge sticks dry for 1-2 weeks. Hang them upside down or lay them on a drying screen.

How to Burn a Smudge Stick

Once your smudge stick is ready, it’s time to use it. Here’s a quick guide:

Light the Stick: Use matches or a candle to light the smudge stick. Once the herbs catch fire, blow out the flame so the stick smolders.
Smudge Your Space: Hold the smudge stick over a ceramic, clay, or abalone shell to catch any falling ashes. Move through your space, allowing the smoke to waft around and clear negative energy.
Close the Ritual: Once you’ve smudged the area, let the windows remain open to let the energy flow freely. You can also say a mantra or intention as you move through the space.

Remember, smudging is a personal ritual, and there’s no one “right” way to do it. Find what resonates with you, and enjoy the process.


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