Also watch out for  onion and garlic  in the refrigerator. Onions, in particular, should preferably be stored in a  cool, dry place  when they are whole, for example in  the  cellar  or in a  pantry  . The  ideal temperature  for their conservation is around  7-13°  and they do not like humidity  Putting them in the refrigerator  is therefore not the  best solution.

Different situation for  cut onions. In this case, they risk deteriorating more  easily  . For this reason, it is advisable to store them  in the refrigerator  , possibly in an  airtight container  so that they are  exposed to air as little as possible. This way you will also prevent the  smell  of cut onion from  spreading  throughout the refrigerator.

And  garlic  ? Its  bulbs  , like the onion, prefer to be stored in a   dry, cool and  well-ventilated environment  , such as a  pantry  . Pay particular attention to  direct sunlight  : it is absolutely  not recommended  for  whole garlic bulbs.

Onion and garlic

However, if we have to store  already cut garlic cloves  , the  refrigerator  is the best option to  preserve their freshness  . As with  onions  , however, it is advisable to store garlic in an  airtight container  to  protect it  and prevent other foods  from absorbing its odor  .

We can store garlic cloves  in the refrigerator  for up to  2 weeks on average. However, it must be considered that by remaining in the refrigerator, the  flavor  of the garlic changes slightly, becoming  more delicate. 

Avoid These 7 Fridge Foods: Avocados and Potatoes

Can you store avocado in the  refrigerator  ? Yes, but it depends on the  level of maturity  it is at when  we store it  . An  unripe avocado  should preferably be kept  out of the refrigerator  until it fully ripens. Otherwise,  we would slow down  its  maturation  , which would force us to wait  a long time  before being able to  consume it  .

A  ripe avocado  , however, can be stored  in the refrigerator  if we intend to wait  a few days  before consuming it. This way its  freshness  will persist  longer.

To  best store it  in the refrigerator, it would be a good idea to wrap the avocado in a  towel  or  paper bag  . By doing so, excess  moisture  will be absorbed and we will prevent our  avocado  from ripening  too quickly.

Avocado in the refrigerator

The  refrigerator  is also suitable for an  already opened avocado  , which can be kept  cool  after rubbing the  lemon pulp  or  olive oil, to prevent it from  oxidizing  .

And the  potatoes  ? These are  vegetables  that require a  different preservation method  from other vegetables. In fact, it’s best to store  whole potatoes in a  dark, cool environment  with  good ventilation  . If placed  in the refrigerator  , the  starch  in potatoes can turn to  sugar  more quickly, changing their  flavor  .

If, due to the heat, there is no  cool place  to store them, you can opt for the  refrigerator  , but be careful not to leave the potatoes  in the refrigerator  for more than  a week. 

Tomatoes and Olive Oil

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