The most difficult and time-consuming task is often mopping the floors. It should not be underestimated, because a lot of dirt accumulates on these surfaces. It is not enough to use the vacuum cleaner or broom, but you must clean the floor thoroughly and be careful not to miss any detail.
How can we do this? Not everyone knows that the most experienced housekeepers use this fantastic trick: they add vinegar to the cleaning water to make their floors clean and shiny. The process is very simple and requires only a few steps. The result will not fail to impress you: let’s see how to do it.
The process for clean and shiny floors
How many times have you been annoyed by your floor? Even after mopping, it may not be as shiny and bright as you would have liked. In fact, all you have to do is follow the tricks of the housekeepers. To get an impeccable floor is very simple: in a few steps you will get a truly incredible result, you just have to follow this simple process.
Just take a bucket of warm water and add the following ingredients: 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, a teaspoon of baking soda and half a cup of dishwashing liquid. The vinegar that we have already talked about a lot has many properties. Its cleaning and degreasing action is ideal for all types of household tasks, including floor cleaning.
From the first application, you will notice that the surface is shiny, clean and free of germs. You have certainly never seen a floor so radiant. Vinegar works wonders, and with the help of the other two ingredients, you will get an even more incredible and powerful result.