​​ The “Small Round Hole” On The Nail Clipper Has Special And Powerful Uses…. 41


Using the Nail Clipper without Damage

A close up of a nail clipper. Black textured background.
Image Credit: Pixabay

Unfortunately, a nail clipper can also cause harm to the nail. Therefore, they should be used after a shower or bath. Similarly, cuticles should be pushed back, rather than cut; only when the nail beds are wet and pliable. Furthermore, the same applies to babies, their nail beds should be soft and moist but a great time to trim is while they’re deeply asleep, so consider bath time before bed when their nails need a trim.

Alternatively, electric nail filers are on the market for parents daunted by the idea of using a nail clipper on their bay.

Moisture is Crucial

A hand pumping lotion onto another hand. White background.
Image Credit: Pixabay

Secondly, natural treatments like coconut oil or cocoa butter make great moisturizer replacements. Or supplements, as too much can cause greasy skin or clogged pores. For instance, adding a small amount of either, to your daily body or hand cream will heighten the moisture in your skin without overdoing it. Furthermore, natural nail polishes and removers, like No Miss Nails and Kapa Nui Nails, help create beautifully manicured nails without toxic chemicals. Additionally, TikTok’s beauty channels are teeming with DIY hair treatments like Olive Oil infused with Rosemary Oil to create a hydrating hair mask.

A manicurist painting someone's nails.
Image Credit: Pixabay

At-home treatments and tools like the nail clipper are among the most cost-effective and easiest ways to maintain healthy glowing skin, nails, and hair. Here are some of the top 2024 skin and hair care tools and trends.

  • Currentbody Skin LED Light Therapy Face Mask. The LED lights do wonders for the skin: reducing fine lines and acne, and boosting collagen production. It’s renowned for its ease and convenience. However, the product is costly and there are more affordable brands. As such, a little research might be necessary to find the product that meets your needs.
  • Joanna Czech Facial Massager. This tool helps with puffiness and fine lines. However, some have suggested that a massage with an ice cube or stone face roller will yield similar results, at a fraction of the cost.
  • OmniLux Mini Blemish Eraser. This tool combines hydrocolloid patches infused with salicylic acid and antioxidants and, LED lights to tackle blemishes and improve skin’s health.
  • Meanwhile, hair care experts note that fragrance-free hair care products are increasing in popularity as well as simplistic routines with minimal chemicals and steps while bolstering moisture, health, and shine.
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