Now I’ll reveal to you my grandmother’s infallible advice for having impeccable shirt collars!


What are you waiting for? Get to work, you’ll be done in no time!

How to treat shirt collars (and cuffs!)
To properly treat shirt collars and cuffs, you need to anticipate and pre-treat them!

There are at least 3 effective ingredients for removing deep stains, freeing them from that greyish patina that always dirties them.

The first is the omnipresent (when it comes to household chores) baking soda! To use it properly, you need to prepare a sort of paste, mixing it with water poured in a thin stream.

Allow to thicken, then spread it on the affected areas and leave it to act for 15 minutes. After this time, brush well. At this point, if you still notice halos, repeat the process. Finally, wash the garment as usual, following the instructions on the label.

continued on next page


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