Bad Gas Pump Habits That Cost You Hundreds Each Year


5. Waiting Too Long to Fuel Up

Never wait until your gas light comes on to refuel your car. Driving near empty leaves you at risk of being stranded. And running out of gas can damage your vehicle’s fuel pump over time.

6. Buying Premium Gasoline





Robert Gregory Griffeth/Shutterstock

Premium gasoline can cost 30 percent or more than regular gasoline. According to the Federal Trade Commission, that extra cost is often without any added benefit. Drivers wasted more than $2 billion on premium gasoline in 2015, according to AAA.

7. Not Inflating Tires Properly

Inflating tires at a gas station usually costs money, but it’s still advisable to check your tires when fueling up and adding air if needed. Driving with under-inflated tires will greatly depreciate your gas milage.

8. Not Using a Rewards Credit Card

Many credit cards permit you to choose perks that work best for you, like cash back incentives at gas stations and grocery stores. Check what yours offer.


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