These Tricks Will Save You When Your Key Fob D-i-es


Don’t panic if your key fob dies and you don’t have a replacement battery. These little-known methods will get you back on the road.

Your car key fob is a small but powerful device. Have you ever wondered what would happen if it died while you were, say, at the grocery store? How do you start your car with a dead key fob? Luckily, there’s a way.

How To Use Your Car Key Fob When It’s Dead

So your key fob is dead, and you don’t have an extra battery. Don’t worry, it’s actually pretty simple to unlock and start your car with a dead key fob.

In most cars, the system is designed to work with a remote that’s low on battery or completely out of juice. Of course, the exact method for using a dead key fob will depend on your car model, so check your owner’s manual for specifics. Below are a few common tricks that work for many types of vehicles.

Step 1: Unlock your car.

Luckily, there’s usually an old-fashioned car key inside most key fobs.

Find a small sliding button on the back of your fob. Slide or press the button to remove the cover. You might need to use your fingernail and a little force to get it to release.

Step 2: Open the door of the car

Once you have the mechanical key, use it to open the door. If you don’t see a key slot in your door, it’s probably hidden behind the handle cover. Use the key to gently pop off the cover and access the key slot.

Now that you’re inside, here’s how to start the car with a dead key fob:

Step 3: Put the mechanical key back into the key fob and close it.




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