Putting Baking Soda in the Trash Can and 9 Other Tips to Keep Your Bathroom Sparkling


The bathroom is one of the most important and functional rooms in our homes. Keeping it clean and disinfected is essential not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for health.

Below we give you some tips that will help you keep your bathroom constantly clean and shiny in an easy and fast way.

1. Deep cleaning of the toilet
There are a myriad of cleaning products dedicated to the toilet. However, a simple solution based on white vinegar and baking soda in equal parts and the juice of a lemon is the perfect ally for a deep cleaning of the toilet.

Apply this solution with the help of the brush and let it act for at least 15 minutes. Make sure to scrub the edges well and rinse with plenty of water.

2. Cleaning the toilet brush
A very useful tool for keeping the toilet clean, but which in turn needs a deep cleaning to avoid the accumulation of residues and bacteria.

Put it in the toilet and flush the toilet brush with clean water, then immerse it in a solution of hot water, liquid detergent, 50 grams of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of salt and a glass of vinegar. After 5 minutes you can remove it and rinse it again.

3. Clean the faucet diffuser
Over time, minerals and limescale present in the water can accumulate in the faucet diffuser, thus reducing the power of the water jet.

Put some white vinegar in a plastic bag and submerge the entire top of the faucet in it. Secure the bag with a tie and wait about an hour before removing it. This method also works for the shower head, for which you will need to use a larger bag.

4. Clean the bathtub
To restore the tub’s bright white color, mix 4 liters of hot water with 250 ml of white vinegar, 250 ml of alcohol and 80 grams of bicarbonate.

Pour this solution on the walls of the bathtub and scrub with a sponge. After 15 minutes rinse with plenty of cold water.

5. Remove mold from tiles
The humidity and heat of the bathroom cause the formation and spread of fungi in less ventilated areas, such as tile joints.

To remove mold from tiles, simply spray vinegar and let it sit for 15 minutes, then scrub with a sponge and rinse. Make sure the bathroom is ventilated to prevent mold from forming.

6. Very clean windows
Vinegar is also your best friend for cleaning windows. Prepare a solution of one part vinegar, half part alcohol and two parts water and pour it into a spray bottle.
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