It is one of the most unsightly things you can find at home. The problem is that behind these black stains that take over the joints between tiles and silicone seals there is a health risk, especially if you are asthmatic or allergic.
No matter how often you clean your bathroom, mold is always around the corner. This part of our home tends to be always warm and humid, creating a perfect environment for the proliferation of fungi and mold , especially when it is not ventilated enough.
In this article we suggest 8 tricks to eliminate mold from the bathroom forever, avoiding chemical products that are also harmful to health and the environment.
Baking soda . This is very useful in absorbing moisture. Pour two tablespoons of baking soda into a bottle filled with warm water and spray directly on the mold stains. Use a toothbrush to scrub the stains and then rinse.
Vinegar . Unlike baking soda, it is best to apply it directly to the mold and without diluting it, so that it does not lose its acid concentration. Let the vinegar act for a few minutes, then use a toothbrush to scrub vigorously until all traces of mold are removed.
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