As temperatures rise, our homes often become unwelcome havens for insects like ants and cockroaches


Other Benefits of Bay Leaves
Bay leaves aren’t just for repelling pests—they also have antifungal properties, making them excellent for combating mold in damp areas of your home.
DIY Antifungal Spray with Bay Leaves
2 tablespoons of salt
3 crushed bay leaves
1 cup of water
Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle, shake well, and apply to mold-affected areas. Use the spray daily for several days to eliminate mold and restore freshness.
Important Safety Note
While bay leaves are safe and effective, avoid confusing them with similar-looking plants like oleander or cherry laurel, which are toxic. Always ensure you’re using culinary-grade bay leaves to prevent health risks.

Enjoy a Pest-Free Spring Naturally
With these simple strategies, you can enjoy a home free of ants and cockroaches this spring—no chemicals required. Embrace the power of natural solutions like vinegar, baking soda, and bay leaves to keep your home fresh, safe, and pest-free.

Say goodbye to unwanted visitors and hello to a cleaner, greener lifestyle!


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