Next time you boil potatoes, think twice before pouring the water down the drain. The starch content can help in absorbing grease on the tiles. Using this cleaning method once a month can keep your tiles sparkling.
3. The Versatility of Black Soap:
A favorite among DIY cleaning enthusiasts, black soap works wonders due to its degreasing and disinfecting properties. Perfect for tiles, linoleum, and even wooden floors. Mix it with water and watch as it not only cleans but adds a touch of shine to your flooring. Just swab the floor with this mix and see the transformation.
4. Trusty White Vinegar:
White vinegar is a popular choice for shining tiles. You can either add it to your regular mopping water or use it post-cleaning. Just mix it with hot water and mop away. For an added punch, sprinkle some baking soda into the mix.
5. The Lemon Polish:
After cleaning, give your tiles a lemony fresh polish. Soak a mop in lemon juice and let it work its magic for an hour. Not only will your tiles glisten, but they’ll also have a fresh, citrus scent. For tile countertops, a chamois cloth can add a finishing touch.
6. Gentle Liquid Soap:
For stubborn stains, a bit of liquid hand soap or dish soap can be effective. Ensure your mop is only damp, not soaking wet. Finish by drying with a clean, dry microfiber mop.