Sauce stains on clothes, grab this ingredient to fix them in a jiffy: it’s in the fridge


Here are some effective home remedies to remove annoying sauce stains from your clothes without having to buy specific products. Here are some useful tips:

Hot Milk:
Heat up some milk and pour it on the stain.
Leave it to act for about 30 minutes before washing the garment normally.
Water and Cloth:
If the stain is fresh, blot it with a damp cloth to absorb as much dirt as possible.
Then, wash the garment as usual.
Ammonia Diluted in Water:
Mix a tablespoon of ammonia with 250 ml of water.
Apply the solution on the stain and leave it to act for 30 minutes before washing.
Sprinkle talc on the stain to absorb grease and oil.
Leave it to act for about 2 hours before washing the garment.
You can also prepare a homemade version by mixing 30 g of corn starch and 15 g of baking soda.

Continued on next page


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