Doctors warn people who put their cell phones in their pockets


Therefore, and in view of the massive use of mobile phones throughout the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have classified mobile phones as potentially carcinogenic to humans, although scientists still do not agree on this point.

 Who are the people most at risk?

Unfortunately, those most at risk from cell phone use and the development of cancer, particularly brain tumors and parotid gland tumors, are children and adolescents.

Indeed, their cranial bone density is lower compared to that of an adult, which facilitates the penetration of electromagnetic rays. In addition, their cells reproduce more, causing aggressive cell growth in the case of cancer.

Pregnant women should also protect their fetus from exposure to cell phone radiation as it increases behavioral problems in the child. Scientists have found that the risks to children from cell phone exposure are:

80% risk of suffering from behavioral disorders
25% risk of suffering from emotional disorders
35% risk of suffering from hyperactivity

Furthermore, people who start using a mobile phone at an early age, that is, in early adolescence, have a 4 to 5 times greater risk of developing cancer cells in adulthood.

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