Dutch banks recently advised people to keep cash at home due to increased geopolitical threats. Some are taking this advice seriously, while others remain skeptical. The fact is that since this advice was given, there has been an increase in cash withdrawals. But where is the best place in the house to store cash?
How much cash should you keep at home?
Dutch banks advise keeping cash at home, but so far, they haven’t specified an amount. This advice will be provided at the beginning of 2025. The Nibud (National Institute for Family Finance Information) has long recommended keeping at least 50 euros in cash at home. This can come in handy if banks or ATMs are out of service.
Cash is important, but also vulnerable. Thieves are particularly interested in homes where there is plenty of cash to grab. Additionally, as an individual, you are only allowed to have 653 euros in cash at home without tax implications. For couples with a fiscal partner, this amount is 1,306 euros. Although enforcement is rare, you are formally required to report amounts above these limits on your tax return.
What is the best hiding spot?
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