If you do this, the limes will stay fresh all year long


2. Preserve limes in the freezer

You should choose lemons with thin skin, feel heavy in your hand and the lemons are not crushed.

Wash the limes and soak them in salt water.

Then, take the lemons out of the salt water and rinse them with clean water. Leave the lemons in a colander to dry completely.

For large limes, you only need to cut them in half, no need to peel them. However, for small limes with hard skin, you should peel off the green skin on the outside and then cut them in half. There is no need to peel the lemons because the lemon skin is inherently quite thin and soft, making them easy to squeeze.

After cutting all the prepared limes in half, you can proceed to squeeze the lemon juice. Using a lemon squeezer or a lemon squeegee is very convenient, helping to squeeze the maximum amount of juice from the lemon. If you don’t have one, you can squeeze the lemon by hand as usual.

It is recommended to use a small piece of tissue paper to wrap around the lemon peel before squeezing. The tissue paper will absorb the essential oils secreted from the peel, helping the lemon juice not to be bitter. Note, you should fold the paper as small as possible to avoid the paper spreading out and absorbing all the lemon juice. When the paper is wet, replace it with a new one.

3. In addition, you can also peel the lime peel, remove the seeds, and then put it in a slow juicer to extract the juice.

After squeezing all the prepared lemons, divide the lemon juice into small ice cube trays and put them in the freezer. When the lemon juice is frozen, take it out, remove the lemon cubes, put it in a box, cover it tightly and put it back in the freezer. So, when you need to use it, you just need to take out 1-2 lemon juice cubes. Just leave it for a few minutes and the lemon juice will dissolve by itself. Stored this way, you will have lemon juice to use all year round. The juice still retains its aroma.


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