Infallible tricks to remove limescale from the shower glass and make it shine


The bathroom is one of the environments that tends to get dirty faster, because of the bacteria that accumulates, the soap that sticks on the tiles and the drops of water that, when dry, leave the very annoying limestone spots that make the shower glass opaque.

Water contains calcium, but also other minerals such as iron that, when it comes into contact with the air, rusts itself creating stains that, over time, become increasingly difficult to eliminate.

There are numerous products aimed at removing limescale from the glass, but almost all of them contain toxic ingredients that can cause irritation to the eyes, skin or the airways. The ideal is to open the bathroom windows to circulate air, or to use natural ingredients, economical and harmless to our health.
White water and vinegar

You need to:

250 ml of water
250 ml of white vinegar
the juice of a lemon
Continued on next page


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