If you notice this change in your mouth, it’s an important signal your body is sending you.


A tingling sensation, a blister forming, and then pain sets in. These signs, often trivialized, could hide an important message from your body. What if this alert revealed a latent virus, ready to manifest itself as soon as the body shows weakness? Let’s take a look at what cold sores are and how to manage them effectively.
What is cold sores and why does it appear?

Imagine an invited guest who stays hidden and returns whenever the opportunity presents itself. Herpes simplex, a very common virus, works just like this. It exists in two main forms:

HSV-1: Responsible for cold sores, it is easily transmitted by simple contact (kisses, shared utensils).
HSV-2: Associated with genital herpes, but less common around the mouth.
Once in the body, this virus can lie dormant for months or even years until the immune system shows signs of weakness. But what causes his sudden awakening?

Unsuspected triggers
continued on next page


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