Why is it essential to put your windows in winter mode since January 1st?


However, in some homes there seems to be a specific mode on the windows. And it is important to know if the latter has any real use or if it is just a myth.

Thus, it should be understood that several videos highlight this ingenious system. Without forgetting that they know how to argue in its favor. And this because they specify that this would save on heating by limiting the passage of air into the room.
And many people have already turned to those located in their homes to verify these words. However, you should know that this mode is not actually present on your windows.

Details to understand
In other words, this is a fairly simplistic setting. In fact, the rollers which are visible in these videos are in reality small cylinders which will manage the compression and decompression of the sash of your window.

In addition, these will have a role in the flexibility that your handle will have, according to the MesDé site. Consequently, they have in no way been designed to provide better insulation to your home and therefore reduce heating costs.

In this way, if you want to save money, it will be crucial to turn to real tips. These techniques will bring you significant results during the winter.

And that’s not all, because there are habits to take into account during this season. And they will provide you with various advantages, particularly from a financial point of view.



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