Why store bay leaves in the oven?
While many people use these leaves for their aromatic or medicinal properties, few are aware of these uses for bay leaf sauce. To get the most out of them, we recommend first cleaning your oven with detergent to remove any dirt. Then place the bay leaves on parchment paper and heat at 150 degrees for 20 minutes. Once dried, this spice subtly perfumes your home and also eliminates lingering odors in the oven. It is recommended to use this ritual weekly to achieve significant results.

If you enjoy using bay leaves as an infusion or massage oil, be aware that despite their many benefits, they are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or for children under 6 years old. This plant is not recommended for allergies or asthma. It is recommended to use it after performing a skin test and to consult your doctor if you wish to take bay leaves orally.

In addition to bay leaves, there are other tricks to scent your home. While
bay leaves are effective at deodorizing your oven, you can also opt for another solution: citrus zest. Whether lemon, mandarin, or grapefruit, these ingredients deeply perfume your oven and diffuse a subtle and pleasant scent throughout your home. To do this, you must place them in the appliance in aluminum foil. Let them rise in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for fifteen minutes. Open the oven door and enjoy the scent of Christmas in your home.

Bay leaf isn’t just a plant to be enjoyed without moderation. It’s an impressive way to add fragrance to your home when you pop it in the oven for a few minutes.


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