Here’s why you shouldn’t dry your laundry on the radiator, according to an expert


During the winter, it may seem convenient to place wet laundry on the radiators to speed up drying. However, this method poses unsuspected risks to your home, your health, and your savings, according to home maintenance experts Alexandre Cressiot and Bruno Ginesty. Here’s why these experts advise against this habit and what alternatives to choose.
The impact on your home’s heating

A loss of energy efficiency

Placing wet clothes on a radiator blocks heat from spreading throughout the room. Instead of dispersing into the surrounding air, the heat remains trapped beneath the clothes. As a result, your heating system has to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature, increasing your energy consumption.

A less comfortable room

By blocking heat, clothing prevents it from being evenly distributed throughout the room. Some areas remain cold, forcing you to turn up the thermostat, which further increases your bills.

Risks to your health

Excessive humidity and mold

As clothes dry, they release a large amount of moisture into the air. This increase in humidity promotes:

Mold: Mold can appear on your walls and ceilings, especially in poorly ventilated rooms.
Dust mites and allergens: A humid environment is conducive to their development, aggravating allergies and respiratory problems, such as asthma.
Poor indoor air quality

Too much humidity makes the air clammy and uncomfortable, which can be difficult to tolerate, especially for:

the elderly,
people with respiratory problems.
Alternatives for drying your clothes in winter

continued on the next page 

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