Julie Andrieux’s tip for making delicious pasta without boiling it in water


How to cook pasta in the oven?

A pasta dish with sauce 

A pasta dish with sauce –

What if we told you that you could even cook your pasta in the oven? Far from the usual classic boiling method, this technique has proven itself and is also ideal for delighting your taste buds. You cook lasagna in the oven without boiling it, right? Well, your pasta will be just as successful and delicious! Sure, it will take more time, but the result is so much tastier that you will adopt it without thinking. As a bonus, you can go about your business without having to monitor your pasta or stir it constantly. The icing on the cake: your spaghetti or penne will not stick together!

Here are the steps to follow:

  • In a baking dish, place your raw pasta correctly.
  • To ensure they soak up properly and swell properly, it is necessary to carefully cover them with vegetable or chicken broth.
  • Garnish your dish with your favorite ingredients: cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, herbs, and aromatic spices. No need to add salt; the broth is already salty enough.
  • Bake at 200°C. Let it cook for about 25-30 minutes. Once the broth has been fully absorbed, your pasta will be cooked.
  • At the end of cooking, you can sprinkle them with grated cheese if you wish, for a crispy side.

Good to know  : Before putting your pasta in the oven, soak it for a few moments in cold water. This will soften its surface and allow it to cook more quickly in the oven. Make sure it’s covered with enough liquid to allow it to expand properly.


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