The wording is in Ihrer Matratze: Wenn Sie es wüssten, würden Sie sie immer reinigen


Dirt Hiding in Your Mattress
As mentioned earlier, clean sheets alone don’t make a clean bed. The mattress also needs to be washed, as dirt builds up over time and makes it look dirty. Think of dead skin cells or sweat that mix with the bedding fibers and get stuck in the mattress. Dust mites are always present, which is why mattress cleaning is essential, especially for allergy sufferers. If you wake up with a stuffy or runny nose, it may be time for a deep cleaning.

Did you know that a mattress can double in weight in ten years? This is due to the accumulation of skin cells, mold, bacteria, human hair, dust mites, their feces, and dead insects. This mixture makes your mattress anything but attractive. Now that you know, you’ll probably want to clean your mattress right away. Here’s how to do it right.

How to Clean Your Mattress
To clean your mattress, you’ll need three things: a vacuum cleaner, a damp cloth, and baking soda. First, vacuum the mattress to remove surface dust and dirt and prevent further spread. Then, sprinkle baking soda over the mattress. Baking soda is extremely effective at neutralizing odors that have built up over time. It also helps remove moisture and dirt. Then, wipe the mattress with a damp cloth to remove any stains.

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