Why You Shouldn’t Leave Your Charger Plugged In When Empty


Many of us leave our phones charging all night. But even more of us leave the charger plugged in even though there’s no device connected to it. This is a bad habit that many professionals are urging us to avoid at all costs. And for good reason: it could have a significant impact! We’ll give you the details in the following lines!

A risk of domestic incidents

You’ve probably already forgotten your charger plugged into an empty outlet. Whether it’s a computer charger, phone charger, e-cigarette charger, or another device, there’s a risk that the device will overheat if you leave it plugged in when it’s empty. Additionally, some charger models don’t comply with electrical marking and safety regulations. And for good reason: tests conducted by experts from the federal consumer union Que Choisir discovered that models from China posed considerable risks. Some have imperfect insulation between the charger’s input and output.

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