Zipper stuck? The trick to unlocking it effortlessly


Actions to absolutely avoid

  • Pulling too hard: You risk breaking the slider or damaging the fabric.
  • Using water or oil: This could soak the fabric and attract even more dust.
  • Forcing a bent zipper: If the slider is bent, it is best to gently replace it with pliers.

As a last resort: repair or replace the zipper

If your zipper remains stuck despite all these tips, check if the slider is bent or if some of the teeth are damaged. In some cases, simply tightening the slider with pliers may be enough.

If the zip is too damaged, you can have it replaced at a haberdashery or have the repair done by an alterations specialist.


A stuck zipper doesn’t have to be a foregone conclusion! With these simple and effective tips, you can repair your clothes, bags, or suitcases in just a few minutes. No more panicking or throwing away an item because of a stubborn zipper!

Have you tried any of these methods yet? Share your experience and tips in the comments!


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