If you buy your bread fresh, you usually eat it within a day. But don’t worry, as long as you don’t see any mold, you can still eat it. If you want to keep it for two weeks past the expiration date, refrigerate or freeze it.
10. Butter
If you see that your butter is about to expire, the solution is simple: put it in the freezer and it will stay fresh and edible for longer.
11. Yogurt
As long as the yogurt is unopened and refrigerated, you can still eat it one to three weeks after purchase. If you notice an unpleasant odor or the texture seems odd, throw it out.
12. Pasta Dried
pasta generally has a shelf life of two years, but since it is a dry product, you can safely consume it even after three years, unless the smell of the pasta seems unusual to you.
13. Salad mixes
Bags of salad mixes made with arugula, for example, can be consumed after the expiration date indicated; you just need to cut off any damaged or wilted pieces.
14. Frozen Foods
It’s a well-known fact that the temperature in your freezer prevents your food from melting. If you still have packaged frozen foods, they can be safely consumed after the expiration date.
15. Cookies or Chips
Since the oils inside cookies or chips take a long time to spoil, you can generally eat them as long as they don’t smell bad and the texture seems normal.
16. Chocolate
If your chocolate is still sealed and stored in a cool, dry place, you can eat it well past its expiration date. Milk chocolate, for example, can be eaten up to 8 months afterward; you can safely use it to make desserts.
17. Peanut butter
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