Chef’s Clever Tip for Perfectly Peeled Hard-Boiled Eggs


You can slowly release the air pocket in an egg during cooking by making a small hole in its shell. When peeling hard-boiled eggs, this seemingly small change makes all the difference. The egg white can stick tenaciously to the shell due to trapped air, making clean peeling a real chore. However, the egg almost falls out of its shell when the air pocket is released.

Curious about the best way to create that tiny hole in the eggshell without shattering it into pieces? Rest assured, no specialized equipment or tools are required. You can do the job with just a simple pin or thumbtack. To crack an egg, simply hold it firmly and poke a small hole at the wide end of the shell. To avoid damaging the egg’s structure, make sure the hole is just large enough to let air through. When it comes to Jacques Pépin’s hack, stability is key.

Once the egg’s shell is open, it can be prepared for steaming. To cook it, simply place it in a pot of boiling water and follow the instructions for hard-boiled eggs. Because the air pocket in the egg dissolves during cooking, peeling the egg is a breeze when you’re ready to eat it.

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