How to remove warts with tea tree oil? … See more


Along with tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar is one of the ingredients used in medicinal products. Using the two together can speed up the healing process of warts.

Ingredients :

Apple cider vinegar
Tea tree oil
Prep time: 5-7 minutes.

Procedure :

Take 1 drop of apple cider vinegar, 1 drop of tea tree oil, and 2 drops of water.
Now, gently mix the ingredients to make a mixture.
Apply to the warts and cover them with a bandage.
Note: It is recommended to change the bandage after about 6 hours and reapply the mixture.

How it works: The mixture kills wart bacteria and helps the body heal them.

Repeat time: Apply once or twice a day regularly until the warts begin to heal.

Tips: Use the mixture frequently depending on the wart.

Garlic and Tea Tree Oil for Warts
Garlic is a wonderful substance that has multiple benefits. It is used as medicine and has great benefits for the heart and overall health of the body. Here is how you can prepare garlic and tea tree oil for warts. (5)

Ingredients :

Tea tree oil Duct tape Preparation time: approximately 4 to 5 minutes.

Procedure :

Apply 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil on the warts.
Now place a little garlic paste on the warts.
Keep it there for about 4 hours.
How it works: Garlic is antibacterial and antifungal like tea tree oil, so it apparently kills the bacteria on the warts.
Repeat time: Apply it twice a day regularly.

Coconut Oil and Tea Tree Oil for Warts
A mixture of coconut oil and tea tree oil is one of the most popular approaches to treating warts. It is a simple and effective method, prepared as follows. (6)

Ingredients :

Tea tree oil
Coconut oil
Preparation time: 2 minutes.

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