A month before a stroke, your body sends you these warning signals


3. Vision Problems
Vision problems such as blurred or double vision can also indicate an impending stroke. You may suddenly experience vision problems in one or both eyes. Don’t dismiss these changes as simple eye strain; they could be a warning sign of something much more serious.
4. Severe Headaches
Although headaches are common, a sudden, severe headache that you’ve never experienced before could be a sign of a stroke. These headaches may be accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness or vomiting. If you suddenly experience a severe headache, don’t ignore it.

5. Dizziness or loss of balance
Dizziness or sudden loss of balance can indicate various health problems, including a stroke. If you have difficulty standing or feel unsteady, seek medical help immediately.

6. Trouble walking
Difficulty walking, especially if it comes on suddenly or is accompanied by other symptoms, may indicate a stroke. You may have difficulty coordinating your movements or feel like one side of your body is dragging. Don’t try to force yourself; get help immediately.

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