There’s no more accurate way: The most accurate way to check the freshness of chicken eggs


With this method, not only do you avoid risks, but you also get the most out of your ingredients. Be sure to try it and share this trick with your friends!

Fill a glass or container three-quarters full with cold water.

Carefully place the egg in the water to observe its behavior:
If the egg floats completely to the surface: The egg has spoiled and should be discarded. This happens because the air that has accumulated in the shell makes it float.
If the egg is held at an angle in the water: This means the egg is old, but it is still safe to eat, although the quality will not be optimal.
When the egg sinks and lies at the bottom: The egg is fresh and ready to be used in your recipes.
We recommend: It is best not to choose these eggs, pay attention to these tips

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