30+ Ways to Understand Your Cat’s Strange Habits


Ass in the face

They show trust and devotion by raising their tails and holding their prey in front of you. They’re just being polite!

Rubbing and headbutting

Does your cat always bump into your face, arms, legs, and other body parts when you’re around? They’re not trying to fight.

Friction and headbutts 

Rubbing and headbutting

It simply shows that they trust and like you. When you rub objects, their pheromones are released, marking them as safe.

Let the earth roll

Cats may roll on their backs for a variety of reasons, but they only do so when they are relaxed.

Rolling on the floor 

Let the earth roll

They are vulnerable when they expose their belly. This action can be used for scratching or stretching, but it also means they are ready to play.

Eye communication

When a cat wants your attention, it looks at you.

Eye communication 

Eye communication

However, there are different looks, each indicating something different. A piercing stare can indicate violence, so avoid looking back if you don’t want to be attacked!

Kneading with the legs

The kitten tends to push against its mother’s mammary glands to get more milk.

Kneading with the paws 

Cut with the grain

This kneading motion stays with them as they mature. Because they are happy and content, adult cats often knead when they associate something with their mother.

Ignore you

Cats are intelligent, so they recognize their own name and their owner’s voice.

Ignore you 

Ignore you

However, they may not respond, as they are only showing affection on their terms. Don’t take anything too seriously; they will come back when they need your affection.

Crying at night

There’s no doubt you hate the fact that your cat is on its feet and active when you’re sleeping.

Crying at night 

Crying at night

His excess energy makes him cry and run around the house. This crying may be due to frustration because there is nothing to grab or because he is on the prowl.

Walk around the house

Have you ever heard unusual noises and seen your cat running around the room?

Sprinting through the housesee next page 


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