Beware of blank sheets of paper in your mailbox: a worrying sign?


Imagine opening your mailbox and discovering, among the leaflets and bills, a simple blank sheet of paper. Nothing alarming at first glance, but if it is there for no apparent reason, it could be a worrying signal. Indeed, in the department of Finistère, this phenomenon has been observed on several occasions, and it could be linked to a wave of burglaries, according to the police.

A well-honed technique of burglars
According to the authorities, this white sheet is not placed at random. It is often inserted discreetly at the base of the mailbox, and not in the flap intended for regular mail. The burglars’ goal? To check whether the residents are present or not. If the sheet remains in place for several days, this means that no one collects the mail, indicating a potential prolonged absence and therefore an unoccupied house, an ideal target for a burglary.

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