If you can spot all the faces hidden in this optical illusion in less than ten seconds, your eyesight is among the best.


Imagine yourself in front of a simple tree trunk. At first glance, nothing unusual. However, upon closer inspection, faces seem to emerge, as if the bark revealed a secret gallery. Why do some people distinguish them immediately, while others have to adjust their gaze to see them? This phenomenon, observed throughout the ages, raises a fascinating question: what if our perception deceives us?
A 19th-century mystery that remains unsolved

The exact origin of the Tree of Appearances remains uncertain. This optical illusion, created more than 140 years ago, was apparently first published in a magazine of the time, Harper’s Outlined. But one detail is intriguing: among the ten hidden faces, some seem to represent figures born after the creation of the image. Simple coincidence or artistic intuition?

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