The secret to staying healthy: the lymphatic system


6. Drink plenty of warm water. Stay away from sugary drinks and candy! Water lubricates the lymph and allows it to flow more easily. Cold water can hinder digestion. Make sure you have a filter to remove fluoride and some heavy metals and toxins.

7. Massage, preferably gentle, stimulates most of the stagnant lymph back to the heart. Stress can play a role in slow lymphatic circulation, and massage can also help relax nerves and allow for smoother circulation. There are even specific massages that can dislodge infections by manipulating the lymphatic circuits. Remember that the lymphatic system is primarily composed of immune cells.

8. Low iodine levels also contribute to poor lymphatic circulation. Lugol’s oil helps flush toxins from the lymph. Be sure to consult your therapist before starting a new treatment.

9. Eat red foods like pomegranates, cherries, beets, or cranberries! They all have lymph-stimulating properties and are used in Ayurvedic medicine to cleanse the system.

Treat your body with love. It is your temple, and a healthy physical body is one of the keys to mental and spiritual health.

1. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition
The lymphatic system
2. The Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD
3. The Miracle of Lymph-Dr John Douillard’s Lifespa


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