How to whiten armpits with toothpaste?


With summer approaching, tank tops and swimsuits are coming out of the closet. But for some, the appearance of their armpits can become a source of self-consciousness. Shaving, sweating, aggressive deodorants… the causes are numerous, and the solutions are often expensive or irritating.

Toothpaste, an everyday product, could well become your  new beauty ally  ! Simple, economical and effective, it helps to  even out the complexion  gently.

Why does toothpaste help lighten armpits?

Toothpaste contains several ingredients that can work on dark spots:

  • Baking soda  : a natural exfoliant that removes dead cells.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide  : Known for its  gentle lightening properties .
  • Antibacterial agents  : which purify the skin and reduce bacterial proliferation.

By applying toothpaste to your armpits, you are giving your skin an  exfoliating and purifying treatment  that, over time, promotes a more even complexion.

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