Pouring coffee grounds down the toilet: this solves one of the biggest bathroom problems!!


Coffee grounds keep aphids away: True

Laurent Bourgeois, nurseryman, testifies: “We use it primarily on open ground aromatics that attract these critters a lot, such as absinthe and mugwort, in particular the lemon-scented aurone or harquebus (Artemisia abrotanum).

We sprinkle it on the surface at the foot of the plant, at least 20 to 25 cm wide (the diameter of a plate) and 5 mm thick, in order to create a repellent mulch. It lasts for several months. We then renew it.

Coffee grounds work on slugs: True

Because of the rough texture of its powder which makes it difficult for them to slide, just like wood ash. Think about it for your strawberry plants (another complementary solution:

pine needles!). The trick is not infallible, however. The grounds also have an impact on the trajectory of ants and attacks by carrot flies, mole crickets and wireworms.

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