From the fog to the thermometer, something that fills the house with a winter scent


Every room has a house that smells like Buono, Soprattutto in winter! However, no one has ever avoided synthetic perfumes because they are even more expensive, because there is no smell, because there are no effective allergens. Well, is it a safer alternative? You may not enjoy the fog.
Given the current trend towards organic and natural products, we must carefully consider the nature of the request, which is to be profumi per la casa, whose content contains artificial ingredients and which can be even more nuocere in our greeting. Le Chiave est rivolgersi alla natura.

Could it be that the fog is on the thermophone?
Environmental spray, home deodorant and home fragrance… It is the promise of a natural and high-quality product that provides a pleasant feeling and creates a pleasant atmosphere at home. But is it true? This product for your friend contains so many components that can damage your respiratory system. In reality, the owner focuses on the multisensory marketing strategy to promote the owner’s business, pretending not to consume for any other reason than that. However, you can choose a fresh and natural fragrance at home, even if it is cheap.

Legen Sie den Foglie Alloro auf the Thermosifone

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